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Monday, February 06, 2006
Why this week rocks.
Un: Adsy is flying down from Brisneyland! Let's hope this visit leaves him with a better impression of our fair city than the last time he was here. So far, he think's we suck balls. And not in the nicer, literal way; in the bad, figurative way.
Deux: Super14!!! Waratahs versus Queensland Reds on Saturday. I wonder if the game'll be televised? I hope so. I know what I'll be watching:

But as much as I love you, Drew Mitchell, the Waratahs have got to win this one. Sorry.
Listening to:
Title: Turn A Square
Artist: The Shins
Album/station: Chutes Too Narrow (2003)
Length: 3.12
Un: Adsy is flying down from Brisneyland! Let's hope this visit leaves him with a better impression of our fair city than the last time he was here. So far, he think's we suck balls. And not in the nicer, literal way; in the bad, figurative way.
Deux: Super14!!! Waratahs versus Queensland Reds on Saturday. I wonder if the game'll be televised? I hope so. I know what I'll be watching:

But as much as I love you, Drew Mitchell, the Waratahs have got to win this one. Sorry.
Listening to:
Title: Turn A Square
Artist: The Shins
Album/station: Chutes Too Narrow (2003)
Length: 3.12