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Friday, February 17, 2006
Pinko ramblings.
So the state's new treasurer says that the Federal budget surplus should be spent on public services rather than personal tax cuts. It sounds like a pretty sociallist thing to say for a guy from Labor-Right, although I do remember reading in the Honi Soit that Michael Costa was once a Trotskyite, back in the day.
It's a point of view I agree with - the services versus tax cuts that is, not Trotskyism. There's just so much more that a pool of money can pay for than if everyone had a few more dollars in their pockets to spend on something stupid. Economies of scale and some such. It doesn't even have to be recurrent spending, although that would be good. What about some good old nation building, splurging on some key national projects?
Listening to:
Title: Watch The Right
Artist: Anti-Flag
Album/station: Underground Network (2001)
Length: 2.52
So the state's new treasurer says that the Federal budget surplus should be spent on public services rather than personal tax cuts. It sounds like a pretty sociallist thing to say for a guy from Labor-Right, although I do remember reading in the Honi Soit that Michael Costa was once a Trotskyite, back in the day.
It's a point of view I agree with - the services versus tax cuts that is, not Trotskyism. There's just so much more that a pool of money can pay for than if everyone had a few more dollars in their pockets to spend on something stupid. Economies of scale and some such. It doesn't even have to be recurrent spending, although that would be good. What about some good old nation building, splurging on some key national projects?
Listening to:
Title: Watch The Right
Artist: Anti-Flag
Album/station: Underground Network (2001)
Length: 2.52